Alnwick is a fairly small town in Northumberland, England, in a lovely rural area. The town is fairly small, and has a selection of nice old buildings. Alnwick Castle is the traditional home of the Duke of Northumberland (of the Percy family). Still, the Duke maintains homes in London, the Scottish Borders, and in France. The Percys (that were) were illustrious throughout England for their treachery to almost every English monarch over a period of five hundred years, including the Gunpowder Plot. The symbol most closely related to the Percys is an upturned crescent, closely resembling the ancient sign of Voor.
Other structures in Alnwick
Alnwick had a bloody history (situated as it is near the Scottish-English Borders, and near the infamous Borders "Marches" where vicious brigands roved). The old town was walled, and some parts of the wall have survived (especially the Bondgate Tower). Recent evidence of the town's medieval wall by the Bondgate was hastily reburied.
Other buildings within Alnwick have mysterious doorways that go nowhere (Walkergate), rooms without doors (Paikes Lane), and there is a vast network of tunnels connecting the cellars of most of the central town properties. This network extends underneath to the Castle. In fact, there is a blocked tunnel entrance at Bailiffgate, which leads down to tunnels linked to the Castle, which appear to have been used for dumping plague victims. Other genuine plague sites include Denwick Lane (near the Lion Column) and Howling Lane ("howl" being old English for a burial hole). The "White Cross" marked on modern maps (in a field named White Cross Howls) is just off the road to Denwick, and indicates where mass burials took place of plague victims. A small stone base remains there.
Those many tunnels under the town streets (some of which are of a considerable size) are carefully concealed from the public's view, and are without doubt a source of concern to town elders.
Barter Books
This very large second-hand book store is based within the disused railway station, not far from the Lion Column (an excellent lightning conductor). This business is in clandestine use as a dice centre -- where certain people will throw a die to determine their next course of action (meal, travel, murder ...). It also has an intriguing layout of shelves in the large rear area: the plan view of the shelves demonstrate a remarkable similarity to some of the Fiat sigils from the Malleus Maleficarum. Such seals are used to trap and contain great evil within the earth below.
As a matter of interest, great inhumanity was not far away from the old rail station: the workhouse was 100 yards away in what is now Park View. An old timber octagonal structure (unlike anything else you will ever see) still stands there, storing a vast variety of flammable liquids and pig iron.
It is well known that clean iron is an effective deterrent against evil forces, but they have no effect when rusted (a railway station would be an immense focal point of iron and steel).
To the north of Green Batt (and therefore sited where the edge of the town wall was) there existed the Poor House. Amongst other rooms it contained a special dead house for corpses -- the adjoining house had two cells for lunatics. The poor house mortality rate was four times that of elsewhere even in Alnwick.
Local stuff
The local Bondgate Tower arch is annually festooned with a large luminous pentacle. The old tradition of "ducking" witches is rigorously upheld at the Alnwick Fair. There is an old "Pinfold" ( a high-walled circular "yard" generally used for constraining animals) which is located nowhere near the market, the old slaughter-area ("Shambles"), nor any other significant landmark. It is almost equidistant between the slaughter-area, and Barter Books. The weeds that grow within are unhealthy. There seems to be some evidence that this was not the original site, and that it has indeed been moved to this location.
It will be shown in the next few pages that the creatures that move and reside beneath the soil of Alnwick have been restrained by a series of old, but sophisticated magicks. The distribution of symbols and of metal and stone have created an impressive circuit of energy that is slowly being eroded.
When that erosion is complete ... the nightmares that plague the human inhabitants of Alnwick shall become reality.
A personal note
Alnwick has a long history of vicious and underhand warfare, between Scots and English, and other Borders based bandits. The French and Vikings have also attacked Alnwick in the past. Much of the cruelty still lingers. During a recent murder, I was unknowingly decorating a house 200 yards away from the murder site, painting the bedroom red. From out of nowhere I felt dizzy and had a vision of painting the walls with blood.
There ARE creepy parts in Alnwick (as there are in most other towns) -- for example the old Greensfield quarry in the Golf Course is positively prehistoric.
However, the influence seeping from below is simply not creepy -- it is evil incarnate.
God save us all.