The following is a list useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please send me an e-mail.
A cave and statue in Hulne Park ----> This is the Cave of the Nine Year Old, "guarded" by a Matthew Mills statue (placed about 1777). Interestingly, this cave is close to the Brizlee Tower observatory.
- Percy Family History
- A very readable site on the history and genealogy of the Percy family.
- Alnwick Castle History
- The official Percy/Alnwick Castle site on the overall history of Alnwick Castle and the Percy family.
- John Dee
- A good site describing the incredible tale of master mathematician and magician Dee.
- The Holy Grail
- A comprehensive site on the history of the Holy Grail.
For information relevant to us, go to Chapter 7 (about 3/5 down the page).
- The Freeman's Well
- An interesting site about Northumberland wells in general, go to about 4 paragraphs down for info on the local "Freeman's Well".
- Silbury and Avebury
- An interesting take on the Avebury connection.
- Ley Lines and Ancient Earth Energies
- An extremely interesting site which demonstrates the effects and influences that rock, soil and underwater streams can have upon us.
- Alchemical Manuscripts at Alnwick Castle
- A genuine database of alchemy documents forming part of the collection of documents at Alnwick Castle.
- e-mail me at "The Alnwick Horror"
- If you have any queries, or wish to share any information, then contact me.
- Some Alnwick history not mentioned on other sites ...
- My other Alnwick history site, with stuff you won't find elsewhere.
- James Smithson
- James Smithson, the "forgotten Percy" was a chemist, metallurgist, and freemason. And he never set foot in America ...
- Hugh, Earl Percy (1742-1817)
- A very interesting bio.
- Old
- If you don't try out any other link, try THIS one !! Old maps (from 1860 or so) of anywhere in Britain ... free ! Also has links to free OS and aerial photograph sites.
The more you look, the more you find ....